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Membership Information


SVSBA participation is by musical organization (individual memberships are no longer offered).


Each non-student roster member of an SVSBA member ensemble, including its conductor, is an individual member of SVSBA by virtue of the ensemble's participation and may vote in Board of Directors elections or any other decision put to membership vote by the Board of Directors.


  Benefits of Ensemble Membership in the SVSBA:

... for Affiliated Bands:

a. Nonprofit tax-exempt status for donations and other fundraising.

b. Banking and bookkeeping services for income and purchases, no cost.

c. Access to SVSBA's music library per prevailing library policies, and input regarding music purchases.

d. Representation on the SVSBA Board by a designated (non-voting) liaison.

e. Publicity announcements and event calendar on the SVSBA web page.

f. Scheduling preference in the annual Community Band Festival or similar events.

g. Reimbursement of up to $75 truck rental cost up to twice a year, for free-to-the-public concerts receiving no income from any source.


... for Full-Member Bands:

All of the above, plus liability coverage under SVSBA's general liability insurance policy.


For more details, please click here.


Donations are needed and appreciated, as they help SVSBA with many activities in the public interest.

Why You Should Support the SVSBA

- Produces the annual Carmichael Park Community Band Festival the first weekend of June.

- Provides support and encouragement for young people through the Middle School Music Lessons Scholarship.

- Provides financial assistance and a performance opportunity for an exceptional music student through the Youth Artist Scholarship.

- Offers important community musical and social opportunities for talented teens and adults.

- Offers affordable concerts to local audiences for holiday celebrations, charitable benefits, and other occasions.

- Provides an extensive music library for ensemble members.


Please send your donation checks to: SVSBA, PO Box 60537, Sacramento, CA



Please indicate whether the check is for:

   - the Middle School Music Lessons Scholarship

   - the Youth Artist Scholarship Competition

   - a specific band (name the band)

   - the general fund



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This website is supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number SLFRP0166 awarded to the SVSBA by the U.S. Department of the Treasury

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